Organizing Committee
Helena Cruz, LNEC
José Saporiti Machado, LNEC
Alfredo Campos Costa, LNEC
Paulo Xavier Candeias, LNEC
Nicola Ruggieri, University Calabria
Teresa Fonseca, LNEC
Advisory Committee
Ario Ceccotti
Eleftheria Tsakanika
Dina D’Ayala
Genaro Tampone
Anibal Costa
Paulo Lourenço
Maurizio Piazza
Philipp Dietsch
Scientific Committee
José Manuel Catarino - President of the SC, LNEC, PT
Amorim Faria, FEUP, PT
Clara Bertolini, Polit. Torino, IT
Claudia Cancino, Getty Institute, USA
David Yeomans, ISCARSAH, UK
Graça Vasconcelos, U.Minho, PT
João Appleton, A2P, PT
João Ferreira, IST, PT
João Miranda Guedes, FEUP, PT
João Negrão, FCTUC, PT
Jorge Branco, U.Minho, PT
Luís Guerreiro, IST, PT
Mariapaola Riggio, IVALSA, IT
Mary Mun, LNEC, PT
Massimo Fragiacomo, U.Sassari, IT
Pedro Pontifice, LNEC, PT
Philippe Garnier, E.N.S.A. Grenoble, FR
Rita Bento, IST, PT
Roberto Tomasi, U. Trento, IT
Rui Póvoas, FAUP, PT
Vitor Coias, GeCORPA, PT
Yannick Sieffert, 3SR-Grenoble, FR